Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monroe,La RCA 8-22-09

So they decided to go back to the long go/ short go style at the RCA rodeos. I like it this way cause if you're 5th thru 10th in the long go you still have a shot at some money in the short go.
Looked at the draw and kristen was first then I was 21st. So I figured I would walk her down the alley then warm my horse up and get everything ready to run. Were sitting there waiting on them to start when the guy that directs everyone in the back due to you can never hear...starts calling MY name. BIG difference in Lisa and Kristen. So I was like crap I guess they changed it, wouldn't be the first time and it wouldn't of surprised me. So I QUICKLY put on my rubber bands while he is still yelling MY name. I sit up pull my hat down and he yells at me again and tells me to come on... So I did.

As it turns out, nothing had changed and the announcer said Kristens name. So after I came out they wanted to DQ me for running out of turn! Ummm excuse me? I would have NEVER ran if he wouldn't of been calling my name and telling me to come on! So after 10 run and they're dragging they call the guy from the back to the announcer stand.. And we all knew why. Turns out he told them he never said my name. Thankfully when he walked off this lady sitting on the bucking chutes stood up and said that she had it all on video. Then several girls in the back went and told the judges and president of the assoc. That he did in fact call my name and not Kristens. So they decided they would "let it slide".

I'm waiting on Kristen to run when the pres. Walks back there and tells me "that crap can't be happening and it better not happen again" so while they're dragging at number 20 I walked up the alley and told mr gate man.. You better not be calling my name unless its actually MY turn. He tells me I never did call your name. Told him that was a bunch of BS and he knew it. Then I left it at that.
Kristen ended up 2nd in the long go and I ended up 5th. Jet didn't fire, and I frankly don't blame him.

Later during the day one of the judges... We call him Mr. Cocky himself.. Felt the need to stop me and tell me they could have DQ'ed me this morning... Umm yes I'm very well aware you could have.. But yall didn't, can we drop it now? Oohh no! He then gave me a lecture on how I need to pay attention to the draw posted on the wall cause that is what they always go by. I wanted to tell him he was full of crap at this point.. But I didn't. Then he goes on about how I need to pay attention to who the announcer was calling. Right... I would if you could actually hear the announcer outside of the arena! So finally he tells me don't let it happen again. Seriously?!?! I've been doing this...awhile and I have NEVER ran out of order. I wouldn't of ever have done it if he wouldn't of been clearly saying MY name.
So I just stayed at the trailer the rest of the day.. Turns out the pres. Catches a few more people with me and told them to tell me next time it happened I would be DQ'ed. Too bad there won't be a next time! Ill go to the last two rodeos they have and the finals since I'm winning it for the year, but I will NOT be back next year.

Finally the perf. That night starts. We all joked around in the back about him calling my name. Told them I didn't care who or what he said I wasn't running till 5th since that's where I was suppose to run! Kristen had a nice little run and ended up 2nd again. Me on the other hand... I'm not sure if Jet was running barrels or not. He fired hard into the arena then never rated for the first barrel so I had to really take ahold of him and cost us a lot of time. Then I just smooth ran over the 2nd.. No idea why he just set up and hit it. The third barrel was really nice. Oh well can't win them all I guess.

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