Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ohh how I love Jet...haha

In mid December I was riding Jet.. he had been good for two days..big shocker there should've known something was up. The county extension agent had come to talk to my dad about planting grass. I climb on Jet and start for the back to exersize him..we're trotting along on a loose rein (should've been my clue something was up) when all of a sudden he takes off. I'm pretty sure I got slung backwards and jerked his head but he usually never stops...just that day he did. He slammed on the brakes and went right and I didn't follow suite. I remember seeing the ground thinking I am coming off. Then when I opened my eyes I was standing in my left sturrip with my left arm over his neck and my right hand on the horn with the reins in it. But alas I can't reach the ground..or atleast i'm scared to as my foot is now SHOVED way in the sturrip and i'm not sure if he'll be a retard and take off when I step down. So as he's backing up cause I have the reins tight..that i'm not turning loose of I think hmm I bet I can swing back up on him! He stops and i'm like Ohhh here's my chance! ....Riigghhtttt As soon as I went to swing over his back he started bucking..I'm pretty sure he went all diffrent directions at one time. But I wasn't turning loose..until his front end went up and I went even further up. I came down hitting the ground with a thud.. then had to walk a quarter mile to the house where he was waiting at the barn on me. But before I could make it to the barn my mom and the extension agent come driving by me..and she asks "Why are you walking???" Umm..Cause I felt like it??

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