Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One PO'ed calf and a paint horse

Jan. 9th 08 my dad decided we just HAD to pen some calfs that morning to take to the sale for that day. It was soo cold so we bundled up. All I had to ride was the paint horse that we drug out of the pasture to play on or do crazy things like this on. Which might of been ever 4-5 months. Me and her never meshed but we made do. The cows were following my dad and one was missing so me and my sister go on the hunt for it. Never find it so we decide to hurry back to the house. We're running across the pasture across the terris and hills..when it hit me..ole paint has no breaks and were headed for a big ditch. I'm yelling at my sister to slow down, hoping mine does the same but that was happening. We jumped the ditch.. and I hung with her, with some pain but I made it to the house.

We now have all the cows in the pen, get the cows out and now have just the calfs in there. We're working on getting them down in the end pen to put them in the trailer and this one heifer doesn't want to comply. So I got back on my horse as I was on foot and she was acting like she was going to run me down (got run down by a cow a few months only takes me one time) Me and my sister are moving them slowely when my sister stops and is like you go that calf looks ready to fight. PSSHHH you sissy! I'm pushing up on them when ole paint hangs her head over the arena fence and this calf sees a chance to strike. She hit the horse in her chest then went down her right side with her knubby little horns. Was fine till she got her flanks with those knubby little horns. At that point she rocks backwards and starts bucking..remember how I was bundled warm? yea..that was totally against me at this moment. The 3rd buck her head came up as mine was coming down and our heads met. I got knocked out, the next buck I went over her head, slid down the arena fence and landed on my head (yep..I'm pretty good at meeting fences and landing on my head) I rolled over and sat there thinking OOHH where is that calf! When I hear my dad yelling are you ok?? I was like uhh..I think so? He asks if I want to get back on i'm like uhh yea..I don't want to be on foot in here thats for sure! Then I reached up and felt my face. I had blood coming out of my nose and mouth. So I crawled out of the pen and sat there for awhile watching the blood pour out onto the ground making a pool. Then my dad calls my mom and might want to come to the arena I think she got hurt. Hmm, ya think? I never felt any pain till I went to the ER and my face warmed up LOL. But I ended up with a broken nose and concussion. Skin tore off where the split reins ran threw my hand.. and blood ALL over my jacket. I do my best not to work with cows anymore.

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